About Us
The Center for Productive Longevity (CPL) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit with the mission of stimulating the substantially increased utilization of workers 55+ where they are ready and qualified to continue in productive activities, paid and volunteer. In fulfilling this mission, CPL will serve as a bridge between employers seeking needed talent and workers 55+ who have the capabilities and desire to continue working..
The objectives of CPL are as follows:
- Demonstrate the positive impact that utilizing workers 55+ will have on meeting the needs of employers for skilled, experienced workers in coming decades.
- Stimulate employers to substantially increase the utilization of workers 55+ who are ready and qualified to continue adding value.
- Persuade employers to develop flexible workplace policies and practices that will retain and attract workers 55+ to continue in productive activities.
- Facilitate the revision of laws, regulations and policies at the federal and state levels to encourage employers to utilize workers 55+ with requisite skills and abilities, and to encourage workers 55+ to be productively engaged.
- Increase understanding about the impact of aging demographics on the U.S. economy and on our entire society.
The Board of Directors consists of:
- Madelyn P. Jennings, Principal, Cabot Advisory Group, retired Senior Vice President-Human Resources, Gannett
- Dr. D. Bruce Merrifield, Chairman, PRIDCO Inc.; previously Undersecretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, U.S. Commerce Department and Profession Emeritus, The Wharton School
- Patrick J. Scollard, President, Scollard Associates LLC; previously Chief Administrative Officer, Chemical Bank
- William K. Zinke, President, Human Resource Services, Inc.
CPL achievements in 2007-2008 and planned for 2009 are as follows:
- Through a National Conference held on June 7-8, 2007 in DC, The New Human Resources Frontier: Utilizing Older Workers for Competitive Advantage, stimulated a greater awareness and understanding of the need to substantially increase the utilization of workers 55+ who are ready and qualified to continue in productive activities.
- Through the Conference breakout sessions, provided information to the participants and a broader audience (e.g., posted on the CPL website) about best practices, actionable new ideas and success stories in utilizing workers 55+.
- Through the website at www.ctrpl.org, providing information to a wide audience on issues relating to aging, retirement and workforce planning.
- Published a book in August 2008, with chapters contributed by Conference speakers and other U.S. and European leaders in the field, Utilizing Older Workers for Competitive Advantage: The New Human Resources Frontier, that is planned for widespread distribution and sale on the national/international levels.
- Planning and organizing a global database in 2009 on best practices, actionable new ideas and success stories in utilizing workers 55+ who are ready and qualified to continue in productive activities; the goal will be to achieve widespread dissemination in the U.S. and on the international level.
- Organizing a conference on March 25-26, 2009 for the Chief Executives Organization (CEO), consisting of about 2,000 members on the national/international levels who are or were the Chief Executives of smaller companies, on Successful Ageing (note: smaller companies account for the major portion of job creation in the U.S.).
- Planning and organizing a conference in New York City in June 2009 in Managing the Careers of Partners 60 and Older, with a niche audience targeted at 50-75 leaders from the top 200 U.S. law firms.
- Developed a strategic partnership with the Council on Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) to provide companies with Life Management Planning Workshops for employees approaching retirement that will facilitate the development of plans to obtain greater meaning and purpose from their increased longevity.